Getting started

Please read carefully

SkyLocker takes privacy and security very seriously, our goal is to help websites reduce their burden on regulations and red tape, as such we use several steps during the sign up process to ensure our customers are using our system for legal and ethical reasons, this includes confirming several details and ensuring any private keys and information is kept strictly confidential, any abuse of our system will automatically render all of your data obselete and deleted from our systems and keys instantly revoked and access blocked.

Onboarding Process

Our onboarding process starts with registration, you will need to confirm your email address and then fill out a form to register your website and details. We will then issue you with a test sandbox account, this is used so you can integrate our system into yours and carry out testing, knowledge of API's and web technologies are required, our sandbox account is completely seprate from our live accounts for security reasons, access to our live platform will only be granted after we are satisfied that your data flow is compliant and clean.
Our developer documentation will guide you through the steps required to authenticate yourself and both send and receive data from and to our servers.


We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

Minimum 8 characters